6 Ways Digital Advertising Helps Small Businesses

Oct 3, 2024 | Content Marketing, Email Marketing, Graphic Design, Marketing Tips, Social Media

Times have changed from small businesses’ limited options to competing with large corporations for advertising space. Back then, big brand names dominated the ways of traditional media with TV commercials, billboards, and full-page ads in popular magazines. This meant that small-to-medium businesses were left fighting for a smaller share of voice just to get noticed. Thanks to the rise in digital advertising, those businesses can go toe-to-toe with well-known names in their industry while reaching the same audience with the best marketing strategies.

In this blog, we’re exploring how digital advertising is helping small businesses thrive in a market where they can easily get lost.


When in doubt, Google it. Whether customers look for local businesses like restaurants or electricians, Google is the first platform most will look to. In fact, search engines are the #1 source of brand discovery, and businesses that rank higher on search engine results pages (SERPs) are the ones capturing these leads. This is where search engine optimization (SEO) becomes a small business’s best friend.

Unlike expensive ad campaigns, SEO is a long-term investment that can deliver consistent results. Studies show websites that invest in SEO get 86% of all online clicks, allowing small businesses to compete directly with large corporations simply by ranking well in search results. This means you don’t need a huge budget to capture attention—you just need to show up where customers are already looking.


Social media isn’t just for vacation photos and memes anymore—it’s a vital tool for business growth. Social media platforms are where customers spend their time and, more importantly, where they make their purchasing decisions. 90% of social media users follow at least one brand, and 39% of customers are likely to purchase directly from a social media post.

For small businesses, social media platforms like Instagram and Facebook offer affordable advertising options that can target users based on location, interests, and behaviors. Big corporations might have bigger budgets, but small businesses can focus on local customers who are more likely to engage and convert. Plus, because 76% of people search on a smartphone and visit a business nearby within a day, your social media presence can drive both online engagement and in-person traffic to your location.

Cell phones with social media graphics on them


The beauty of digital ads is that they’re affordable, targeted, and deliver killer results. On average, digital ads deliver a 200% ROI, meaning you can double your investment with well-targeted campaigns.

Unlike traditional advertising methods, digital ads can be hyper-targeted. Small businesses can run ads to attract specific audiences based on location, age, or interests, ensuring that every dollar is spent efficiently. The beauty of digital ads is that they can be scaled up or down depending on a business’s needs, and results are trackable, allowing for constant optimization. Whether promoting an event, launching a product, or trying to increase food traffic, digital ads are a cost-effective way to achieve measurable results.


One key challenge small businesses face is making the most of limited resources—whether it’s time, budget, or manpower. The good news is that, with digital marketing, a small amount of effort can go a long way. More than 20% of small businesses spend just 10 hours or more on social media marketing and still see meaningful growth.

With digital tools at your disposal, you can stretch your time and resources even further. Whether scheduling a few posts a week, running an ad campaign, or sending out emails, digital marketing lets you maximize your efforts without breaking the bank or burning out.


In a world dominated by social media, it’s easy to minimize the importance of email marketing. But don’t be mistaken; email marketing is still one of the most effective tools for small-to-medium businesses. In fact, over 47% of small businesses have found success with email campaigns! A well-crafted email campaign can help a business inform its audience about its brand and mission, build excitement around a new product or service launch, or simply keep its target audience engaged! Email marketing keeps your business front and center, whether it’s a coupon, a newsletter, or a friendly reminder about a sale.

Small businesses can use email marketing to their advantage by segmenting their audience and delivering personalized content. Not only does this approach build relationships with customers, it also keeps the brand top-of-mind, especially for those who aren’t as active on social media.

Cell phones with websites on them


Big corporations have abundant resources, but small businesses have something they don’t: agility. Small businesses can pivot quickly and respond to market trends or changes with ease, which plays a major role in digital marketing. 81% of consumers believe social media has raised the bar for business accountability, meaning brands are expected to respond quickly and authentically to customer concerns and feedback.

Small businesses can engage in real-time with their customers, whether responding to a tweet or addressing concerns in a Facebook comment, which builds trust and loyalty. This relationship sets small businesses apart in a crowded market!

Digital advertising isn’t just an opportunity—it’s a necessity for small businesses looking to compete with the big guys. Whether through SEO, social media, digital ads, or email marketing, small businesses now have the tools to build strong customer relationships, drive traffic, and boost sales without a huge budget. Whether you’re a local bakery or a niche service provider, digital advertising gives you the competitive edge to stand out in a crowded marketplace.

Now’s the time to get started! Contact the team at 232 Creative when you’re ready for your small business to make its mark on the industry.

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