Whoever said, “Don’t judge a book by its cover” probably had a graphic designer who wasn’t very good at their job. As a graphic design agency, we realize it is a critical piece of your organization’s branding and marketing efforts. Many people think of graphic design as something that is just a pretty picture as opposed to something strategic. Aspects like color theory, typography, psychology, and other elements combine to generate feelings or provide information, all while catching the viewer’s eye and therefore getting into your mind, if only for a few moments.
When you think about the importance of a potential investment in graphic design, you will quickly realize that a creative and a well-thought-out piece of art can and will help you stand out from your competitors. When you put yourself into the shoes of potential clients/customers, you have to ask yourself, are you more likely to go with a company whose brochure looks professional and beautifully laid out or one that is done in a Microsoft Word document with a bunch of Google images? When you’re standing at the grocery store, are you more likely to grab the product whose packaging emphasizes the hot, delicious food or the one that has a logo that tells you what’s inside? When you’re walking down a tradeshow floor (wow, remember those days), are you more likely to stop and talk to the staffer with a setup that locks you in with informative banners and bright handouts or a booth with just a 6-foot table covered in a tablecloth and plain white sheets of paper with their logo and some basic information?

We (and your customers) believe that everything speaks. That’s why 232 Creative takes the time to strategize all of the graphic components to your brand, whether it’s your logo, an advertisement, tri-fold brochure, social media graphics, or your packaging. We will help you stand out from the rest.
Around 94% of people state that their first impressions of a company are design-related which is why it is so important to make sure the visual representation of your company is done professionally and creatively.