Video Created the Marketing Star

Jun 13, 2023 | Video Marketing

Remember that 1980’s classic, “Video Killed the Radio Star” by The Buggles? Well, video marketing is alive…  in a big way. But in this case, it’s creating Marketing Stars. We’re not just talking about social media influencers. We’re talking about businesses — in every industry and location!

When it comes to the throne of the marketing world, video has grabbed its place at the head of the table. While you may believe this statement to be hyperbole, we have 5 reasons to back it up. Here are the top reasons that support the need for video marketing. As you’ll see, videos MUST be ingrained in your 2023 marketing plans (and beyond)!

1. Video Traffic Dominance: Consider Oberlo’s projection for marketing in 2023. It’s predicted that video will be responsible for an overwhelming 82% of all consumer internet traffic. This statistic highlights the unrivaled popularity and influence of video. Furthermore, it reveals the ability video has to reach and engage online audiences. Therefore, video is a crucial avenue for marketing

2. Mobile Video Consumption: Video consumption most often takes place on mobile devices. Hubspot research indicates that 75% of all video plays are on mobile devices. This statistic emphasizes the importance of optimizing video content for mobile viewing. In addition, these findings underscore the importance of ensuring mobile-friendly distribution strategies.

3. Social Media Video Engagement: Social media platforms remain key drivers of video consumption and engagement. For example, studies reveal that social media videos generate 1,200% more shares than text and image content combined. More specifically, platforms like TikTok, Instagram, and YouTube dominate the social landscape. As a result of this, businesses must leverage video marketing. This will allow them to maximize their brand’s visibility and engagement.

4. Video’s Impact on Purchase Behavior: Video content has a great influence on purchasing decisions. A recent survey by Idomoo supports this conclusion. They report that marketing videos have convinced 84% of consumers to make a purchase. These statistics make it hard to deny the effect of this type of marketing. Undoubtedly, product demos, testimonials, and educational videos can drive conversions and sales.

5. Video and Search Engine Rankings: Search engines prioritize video content in search results. This leads to higher visibility and organic traffic for companies utilizing video. Supporting this statement, BRIGHTEDGE notes that websites with video are 53 times more likely to rank on Google’s first page. Further optimize your videos by including keyword research, metadata, and closed captions.

The statistics referenced above highlight the immense impact and potential of video marketing in 2023. Businesses that recognize and capitalize on these trends will have a competitive edge. They will capture their target audiences’ attention, trust, and loyalty.

Whether you want to highlight a product or service, showcase your team, or educate your audience, video is the way to go. There’s no better way to get into the hearts – and the minds – of prospective customers.

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